My training blog

My training blog
Nordic walking on Gran Canaria

This will now be a blog where you can follow me from an untrained woman to hopefully a trained one

søndag 6. november 2016

Another type of training

This weekend we got loads of snow! On Friday the lawns looked green,- now we have ca 50 cm of snow!
It took me 2 hours to get the car ready to be used!

Dennis almost drowned in the snow on Sunday...

 I had to make a path for Dennis and me too,- so now my back,neck,arms and legs are acking. This type of "exercise" is not good for my back, my asthma nor my heartflicker. But if you have no choice, you have no choice.

Today Dennis and I could have some fun:-)
This is an old vehicle we use in winter,- we call it a spark.

Dennis loved sitting in the basket :-) He also ran next to the spark.

I hope everyone has a nice Sunday? Hopefully with warmer climate than we have?

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