My training blog

My training blog
Nordic walking on Gran Canaria

This will now be a blog where you can follow me from an untrained woman to hopefully a trained one

mandag 30. april 2018

Pain,- still excersising

Last week was a little different
Monday: first excersises then massage from the physiotherapist. I told him I am acking at the right side in my lower back so he gave me some extra treatment there, including triggerpoints. 
Wednesday : normal round at the gym
Friday : first at the gym, then the ciropractor,- who also did a lot on my acking point in the lower back!
Sunday : working in the garden (picking dogpoo from winter 😎) and putting flowers on 2 of the graves I am looking after,- my grandma was born May 1., and my mum dies May 7.,- so I always put some flowers on for their dates 💓
My grandma was 99,5 years when she died 💓

Springtime and the birds get fur I comb off Dennis so they can use it in the nests

Allmost all snow gone now,- but they say we will get more tonight 😯

 This week is the last at the gym in some weeks, because I am going to have surgery on my left foot on Friday 👍 I did the right last summer and love my "new" foot 💓


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