My training blog

My training blog
Nordic walking on Gran Canaria

This will now be a blog where you can follow me from an untrained woman to hopefully a trained one

tirsdag 15. august 2017

YES! Finally back in the gym!

Yesterday I was first with my physiotherapist getting a most needed massage 💓 After walking a little  "odd" this summer because of the surgery, my back, hip, hands and shoulders are pretty bad. So it was good/bad to get a massage 😉
After the massage I started on my excersises. I know I am too optimistic so I started out on the treadmill with 11% increase, speed 5 km- but had to stop! Tryed with and without shoes, but my toe and my hip was too painful. So I choose the other excersises instead,- some with the same weight, some with less. 
Standing on the half fitnessball balancing feels really good for my body, so I did it 2 times.
The wrist I had surgery on last winter (because of fracture) is not ok now because of me using the cruches, so it is nice to work with the manuals again. 3kg was ok 😊

I also did back extension (40 kg, 10X3 times), pulldown (30 kg, 10X2), pectoral fly/rear detoid ( 12 kg, 10X3), "roing" (stage 9, 10X2)

My hip was really bad while I was doing these excersises,- but it was important for me to get started again 💪

It is important to enjoy life outdoors too,- so when the weather is nice it is ok to go out with my new bike, and to enjoy an icecream 🍦
Today I really feel that I have been using my upper muscles again=sore,- feels good!

Maybe I should tell you about myself again? I live in Norway, was diagnosed with scoliosis when I was 4 (now I am 62), got a body plaster when I was 6-7, and started with braces after the plaster. First Blounts

And then Milwaukee. I used braces for 8 years, but my curves where bigger after using them 😢 When I started treatment my S-curves where 40+, after 8 years wearing braces my curves where 60+, now they are 90 and 85 degrees. I have never had surgery and I am happy for that! I am so lucky because I have just small pain. Except for a small asthma and daily headache since I was 4 (because of my neckmuscles are in constant cramps).
As you can see the big curves do not show much either, and the right angelwing is pretty small 👍💓

I live a great life, and has never let scoliosis stop me from doing what I wanted 💗 Studies, working, travels, hobbies indoor and outdoors.

If you want to ask my about my back, life, treatments or what ever,- feel free to do so 🙋


2 kommentarer:

  1. Du kommer nok i rute igjen! Du må bare ta tiden til hjelp😊

    1. Får nok PRØVE å starte litt forsiktig :-)
