My training blog

My training blog
Nordic walking on Gran Canaria

This will now be a blog where you can follow me from an untrained woman to hopefully a trained one

mandag 6. januar 2020

7 months pause.........

Ok, on Thursday 2. of January I finally went back to the gym! These months have been exhausting so I really needed the pause,- I walk my dog every day so I am not sitting in my sofa all day 😊

 As many of you know I live in Norway with my little dog,Dennis 💓 We have winter now, not the season I like. Some days are ok because it is not icy just snow on the surface,- but now we have the worst winter with pure ice on the ground 😕 I have to use spiked shoes and crampons(?) on the crutches. It is hard for my body and I get even more exhausted.

For new readers I can tell something about my self:
I was diagnosed after my mum was worried when I was 4, because of how my back looked and because I had daily headache. When I was 6 my curves where 40+ and I started with a plasterbrace from left shoulder, round my upperbody and to my right knee. Then Blounts and last Milwaukee braces. After 8-9 years with braces my curves where 60+. I do not know why I did not have surgery,- but I am happy for that!!
I have been blessed with very little pain, except for the daily headache and some breathingproblems 😊
After menapause I felt the need for new control with the scoliosisdoctor, then my curves where 90 and 85 degrees !
Now I am 64 years old and have not too much pain, I use crutches when I am out walking, then I do not need painkillers 👍
My life has been normal with studies, working and interests,- I have NEVER let scoliosis stop me from doing something I wanted to do!
All my life I have been going to physical therapist for massage, but 3,5 years ago I finally started at the gym 💪

 Some days has been pretty cold........
 Some days has been nice where I could use my spark/sledge instead of poles or crutches

 My little angel,Dennis 💗 He is getting older, 11 years old now but behave like a puppy 😍
 I like to have light outside my door during the dark season
 A small Christmastree outside the door
 We need lots of clothes when it is cold, brrrrrrr  And I feel the cold more now because of the fatigue.......
 When I finally went back to the gym, I intended to start soft even I know I could not 😂 I did less speed (4.5) and incline (10%) on the treadmill , and on the other devices I choose the same kg as I had 7 months ago, but 10 X 2 instead of 10 X 3.
BOY was I sore the next 2 days 😄 But nobody die of sore muscles!

I hope you all are ok? If you want to follow me and comment or ask questions I will be very happy 💖
                               I wish you all a very happy and good 2020 😎


1 kommentar:

  1. Det var godt å lese du er i gang igjen nå. Ja, noen ganger må en ta pause ,det er lov . Men nå er du back on track ! <3 Flink er du .
