My training blog

My training blog
Nordic walking on Gran Canaria

This will now be a blog where you can follow me from an untrained woman to hopefully a trained one

søndag 17. juni 2018


Last week I was in the hospital on a check-up with my scoliosis doctor in Oslo.

First bus

Then train

Then tram

The hospital
The doctor and I got a very good laugh! The people who took the x-ray managed to messure my curves wrong 😜 so my big curves suddenly where only 51 degrees!

This is the right one! Still 90 and 85 degrees 👍

They have lots of art in the hospital

And a beautyful wall of colours
 The doctor and I had a long talk, both about my health and about scoliosis in general. I have some wear in my neck. If I get more problems I need to se another doctor who can help me with that. I shall continue at the gym just as I am doing 💪
My foot is better now so I plan starting again to morrow!

Yesterday Dennis and I was with a good friend of mine and her 2 grandsons in a museum in my hometown,- with a nice view of the waterfall deviding the city 🌞 
 I hope you are all doing fine? Soon vacation?

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